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Minnesota Twins Team

Family Business Breakfast:

Learn from the Pros: Build Your All-Star Team

The 2024-25 Family Business Breakfast Series kicks off with "Building Your All-Star Team," an engaging session for family business owners eager to enhance their recruitment and management strategies, drawing inspiration from the competitive world of professional baseball. The event is on Thursday, September 12, from 7:30-9:30 a.m. on the St. Paul campus.

This unique kickoff event is led by Justin Anderson, Psy.D., LP, a licensed psychologist, sport psychology consultant, and founder of Premier Sport Psychology, a leading performance enhancement and leadership consulting firm. He is the founder and CEO of JSA Advising, a family business advising firm now called Premier Performance Advising.

Joining Justin in this session is someone he works closely with: Minnesota Twins Assistant General Manager, Jeremy Zoll, who’s charged with leading the development and culture of Twins Baseball Operations. Together, they will explore proven techniques from baseball, such as scouting talent, draft selection, next generation development, team chemistry and even succession planning, to provide practical insights on how their work can be effectively adapted to the needs and challenges of family business.

Season Member
Non-Season Member

Event Details
Thursday, September 12
7:30-8 a.m.: Breakfast & Networking
8-9:30 a.m.: Program

University of St. Thomas
St. Paul Campus
Woulfe Alumni Hall - Anderson Student Center
2115 Summit Ave.