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Assistant Professor

  • Cowan, Kirsten, Seth Ketron, Alena Kostyk, and Kirk Kristofferson. (Forthcoming). Can you smell the (virtual) roses? The influence of olfactory cues in virtual reality on immersion and positive brand responses. Journal of Retailing.
  • Namin, Aidin and Seth Ketron, (Forthcoming). Driving a difference: The role of the COVID-19 pandemic in changing U.S. consumers engagement and choice in purchasing Japanese automobiles. Journal of Product and Brand Management.
  • Yazdanparast, Atefeh and Seth Ketron. (2023). The effect of color lightness on anticipated product comfort via the lightness-softness cross-modal correspondence. Journal of Business Research,(165), 114085.
  • Naletelich, Kelly, Seth Ketron, and Juan A. Gelves (2023). Curbing texting & driving with advertising co-creation. Journal of Business Research. (156), 113456.
  • Naletelich, Kelly, Seth Ketron, Nancy Spears, and Juan A. Gelves (2023). Using representational and abstract imagery to create regulatory fit effects. Psychology & Marketing, (40)(3), pp. 579-595.
  • Ketron, Seth, Shingirai Kwaramba, and Miranda Williams (2022). The politics of stances: How conservative vs. liberal consumers respond to company social stances,” Journal of Business Research, (146), pp. 354-362.
  • Sheng, Xiaojing, Sora Kim, and Seth Ketron (2022). The roles of legacy vs. social media information seeking in american and chinese consumers' hoarding during COVID-19. Journal of International Marketing, (30)(2), pp. 38-55.
  • Mai, Shirley and Seth Ketron (2022). How retailer ownership of vs. collaboration with sharing economy apps affects anticipated service quality and value co-creation. Journal of Business Research, (140), pp. 684-692.
  • Ketron, Seth and Kelly Naletelich (2022). Relative vices and absolute virtues: How size labeling affects size preferences for vices and virtues. Journal of Business Research, (138), pp. 387-397.
  • Sheng, Xiaojing, Seth Ketron, and Yubing Wan (2022), The clusters of COVID-19: Identifying consumer segments based on pandemic perceptions and responses. Journal of Consumer Affairs, (56)(1), pp. 34-67.
  • Dargahi, Rambod, Aidin Namin, Seth Ketron, and Julian Saint Clair (2021). Is self-knowledge the ultimate prize? A quantitative analysis of participation choice in online ideation crowdsourcing contests. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (62)(2), 102644.
  • Ketron, Seth, Kelly Naletelich, and Stefano Migliorati (2021). Representational versus abstract imagery: Effects on purchase intentions between vice and virtue foods. Journal of Business Research, (125), pp. 52-62.
  • Namin, Aidin, Seth Ketron, Velitchka Kaltcheva, and Robert Windsor (2021). Presentation skills: A new video-based assignment leads to significant improvement for millennials and generation Z. Journal of Management Education, (45)(6), pp. 987-1010.
  • Ketron, Seth and Nancy Spears (2021). Sound-symbolic signaling of online retailer sizes: The moderating effect of shopping goals. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (58), 1-10.
  • Dargahi, Rambod, Aidin Namin, and Seth Ketron (2020), Co-production or DIY: An analytical model of consumer choice and social preferences. Journal of Product & Brand Management, (30)(2), pp. 306-319.
  • Ketron, Seth and Kelly Naletelich (2020). How anthropomorphic cues affect reactions to service delays. Journal of Services Marketing, (34)(4), pp. 473-482.
  • Ketron, Seth and Nancy Spears (2020). Schema-ing with color and temperature: The effects of color-temperature congruity and the role of non-temperature associations. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (54), pp. 1-8.
  • Sheng, Xiaojing, Reto Felix, Swapnil Saravade, Judy A. Siguaw, Seth C. Ketron, Krzysztof Krejtz, and Andrew T. Duchowski (2020). Sight unseen: The Role of online security indicators in visual attention to online privacy information. Journal of Business Research, (111), pp. 218-240.
  • Mai, Shirley, Seth Ketron, and Jun Yang (2020). How individualism-collectivism influences consumer responses to the sharing economy: Consociality and promotional type. Psychology & Marketing, (37)(5), pp. 677-688.
  • Ketron, Seth and Shirley Mai (2020). Blame and service recovery strategies in lateral exchange markets. Journal of Strategic Marketing, (30)(1), pp. 3-21.
  • Ketron, Seth and Nancy Spears (2019). Sounds like a heuristic! Investigating the effect of sound-symbolic correspondences between store names and sizes on consumer willingness-to-pay. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (51), pp. 285-292.
  • Cowan, Kirsten and Seth Ketron (2019). Prioritizing marketing research in virtual reality: Development of an immersion/fantasy typology. European Journal of Marketing, (53)(8), pp. 1585-1611.
  • Naletelich, Kelly, Seth Ketron, and Nancy Spears (2019). Driving down danger: Using regulatory focus and elaborative approach to reduce texting & driving behavior. Journal of Business Research, (100), pp. 61-72.
  • Ketron, Seth and Kelly Naletelich (2019). Victim or beggar? Anthropomorphic messengers and the savior effect in consumer sustainability behavior. Journal of Business Research, (96), 73-84.
  • Cowan, Kirsten and Seth Ketron (2019). A dual model of product involvement for effective virtual reality: The roles of imagination, co-creation, telepresence, and interactivity. Journal of Business Research, (100), pp, 483-492.

Books and Chapters

  • Cowan, Kirsten, Seth Ketron, and Alena Kostyk (2023). The Reality of Virtuality: Harness the Power of Virtual Reality to Connect with Consumers, Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
  • Ketron, Seth, Judy Siguaw, and Xiaojing Sheng (2021). Maladaptive consumer behaviors and marketing responses in a pandemic. Published in The Future of Service Post-COVID-19 Pandemic, Volume 2, Springer.

  • Outstanding Research Award, New College, University of North Texas, 2022
  • Best Overall Conference Paper, 2022 ACRA Conference

  • MSCM Department Research Award, East Carolina University, 2019
  • Best Paper Award, Global Branding Conference, 2018

  • American Marketing Association
  • Association for Consumer Research
  • Academy of Marketing Science

  • Assistant Professor, University of St. Thomas - Opus College of Business, Minneapolis/St. Paul, 2023-Present
  • Clinical Assistant Professor of Marketing,New College at Frisco, University of North Texas, 2020-2023
  • Assistant Professor of Marketing,Department of International Business and Marketing, Cal. State Poly. University, Pomonam 2019-2020
  • Adjunct Instructor of Marketing, Department of Marketing, Logistics, and Operations Management, University of North Texas, 2019-2020
  • Assistant Professor of Marketing, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, East Carolina University, 2017-2019
  • Business Analyst, JCPenney Headquarters, 2013-2014
  • Allocation Analyst, The TJX Companies, Inc., 2012-2013
  • Store Executive Trainee, Belk, 2011-2012