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Mahak Nagpal

Assistant Professor

  • Education
  • Ph.D., Organizational Behavior and Business Ethics, Rutgers Business School - Newark and New Brunswick

    B.A., Psychology, University of Virginia

Mahak Nagpal is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Ethics and Business Law at the University of St. Thomas, Opus College of Business. Her research considers the ethical implications of how employees, organizations, and society will ultimately use or interact with Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their everyday lives.

  • Nagpal, M., De Cremer, D., & Van Hiel, A. (2024). Is technology uniquely placed to solve our problems? An examination into technosolutionism, what it entails and what it predicts. Business & Society, pp. 1-35.
  • De Cremer, D., Narayanan, D., Nagpal, M., McGuire, J., & Schweitzer, S. (2023). AI fairness in action: A human-computer perspective on AI fairness in organizations and society. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, pp. 1-3.
  • Nagpal, M., Cao, Jieqiong, Mai, M., De Cremer, D. (2023) How can women take advantage of the high-tech era to be perceived as effective leaders? Being tech-savvy helps. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, (30)(2) pp.397-412.
  • Narayanan, D., Nagpal, M., Mcguire, J., Schweitzer, S., De Cremer, D. (2023). Fairness perceptions of artificial intelligence: A review and path forward. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. pp. 1-20
  • Arkan, O., Nagpal, M.*, Scharding, T., Warren, D. (2022). Don’t just trust your gut: The importance of normative deliberation to ethical decision-making at work. Journal of Business Ethics. (186)(2), pp. 257-277. *Authors listed alphabetically, Bright Idea Award winner.
  • De Cremer, D., Narayanan, D., Deppeler, A., Nagpal, M., McGuire, J. (2022) The road to a human-centered digital society: Opportunities, challenges and responsibilities for humans in the age of machines. AI and Ethics, (2)(4), pp. 579-583.