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Muer Yang


  • Education
  • B.S., Management Information System, Tsinghua University - School of Economics & Management
    M.S., Management Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University - School of Economics & Management
    Ph.D., Operations Management, University of Cincinnati
  • Research Interests
  • Applications of simulation optimization techniques, health care management and public policy operations.

Muer Yang, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Operations and Supply Chain Management at the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business. He received his BS in management information systems and his MS in management science from Tsinghua University, and his PhD in operations management from the Carl H. Lindner College of Business at the University of Cincinnati.

His research interests include applications of simulation optimization techniques, health care management and public policy operations. His research publications have appeared in Production and Operations Management, IIE Transactions, Omega, the International Journal of Production Economics, the Journal of the Operational Research Society, Critical Care Medicine and more.

Yang’s teaching philosophy centers on the translation of knowledge into practical skills that bridge the classroom and real business environments. He teaches operations management, business analytics and business statistics courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

He received the Susan E. Heckler Research Excellence award in 2015, which recognizes outstanding faculty achievement in research at St. Thomas. He also received second place in the INFORMS SPPSN best paper competition in 2011. His research in voting operations has received media coverage, and he has served as an expert witness in several election law cases.

  • Kumar, S., Yang, M., & Goldschmidt, K. (2018). Will aging voting machines cause more voters to experience long waits?. International Journal of Production Economics, (198), pp. 1-10
  • Kumar, S., Yang, M., & Bekx, P. (2017). Why many diabetic patients do not take the A1C test as recommended?. IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, (7)(3), pp. 145-154
  • Kumar, S., & Yang, M. (2016). Analyzing patient choices for routine procedures in U.S. versus overseas before and after affordable care act. Health Systems, (5)(1), pp. 21-28
  • Kumar, S., Yang, M., & Strike, D. (2015). Assessing effect of global inventory planning with enterprise-wide information for a large manufacturer. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, (34), pp. 34-42
  • Wang, X., Yang, M., & Fry, M. J. (2015). Efficiency and equity tradeoffs in voting machine allocation problems. Journal of Operational Research Society, pp. 1-7
  • Yang, M., Fry, M. J., & Surlock, C. (2015). The ICU will see you now: Efficient-equitable admission control policies for a surgical ICU with batch arrivals. IIE Transactions, (47)(6), pp. 586-599
  • Yang, M., Wang, X., & Xu, N. (2015). A robust voting machine allocation model to reduce extreme waiting. Omega - The International Journal of Management Science, (57)(B), pp. 230-237
  • Yang, M., Fry, M. J., Kelton, W. D., & Allen, T. T. (2014). Improving voting systems through service operations management. Production and Operations Management, (23)(7), pp. 1083-1097
  • Yang, M., Allen, T. T., Fry, M. J., & Kelton, W. D. (2013). The call for equity: Simulation-optimization models to minimize the range of waiting times. IIE Transactions, (45)(7), pp. 781-795
  • Yang, M., Fry, M. J., Raikhelkar, J., Chin, C., Anyanwu, A., Brand, J., & Scurlock, C. (2013). A model to create an efficient and equitable admission policy for patients arriving to the cardiothoracic intensive care unit. Critical Care Medicine, (41)(2), pp. 414-422
  • Yang, M., & Sun, J. (2008). A VAR control scheme for multivariate autocorrelated observations. Application of Statistics and Management, (27)(2), pp. 298-303
  • Yang, M. (2005). Tips for Excel 2003/XP. (written case with instructional material)
  • Yang, M. (2005). Advanced cases for Excel 2003/XP. (written case with instructional material)
  • Fry, M. J., & Yang, M. (2013). Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. In James J. Cochran (Ed.), Using OR to overcome challenges in implementing new voting technologies (pp. 1-8).
  • Jing, S., Wang, S., & Yang, M. (2013). Process capability analyses. Tsinghua University Press

  • Institute for Operations Research and the Management
  • Production and Operations Management Society
  • DSI - Decision Sciences Institute, Reviewer
  • INFOR - Information Systems and Operational Research, Reviewer
  • International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE), Reviewer
  • JORS, Reviewer
  • Journal of Manufacturing System, Reviewer
  • MSOM, Reviewer
  • OMEGA, Reviewer
  • POMS - Productions and Operations Management Society, Reviewer

  • Assistant Professor, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul / Mpls (2011 - present)
  • Instructor, University of Cincinnati - College of Business, Cincinnati (2008 - 2011)
  • Teaching Assistant, University of Cincinnati - College of Business, Cincinnati (2006 - 2009)
  • Consultant, Bexcel Management Consultants, Beijing (2006 - 2006)
  • Research Consultant, TNS Marketing Consultancy Co Ltd., Beijing (2005 - 2005)