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OPUS College of Business Career Fair

Hire a Tommiepreneur

Access to the entrepreneurial talent you need now more than ever:

Tommiepreneurs from one of the nation's top entrepreneurship programs, right at your doorstep.

Don't just hire a student. Hire a St. Thomas student who thinks like an entrepreneur. Our students bring the kinds of business skills you need on your team, along with the entrepreneurial drive, creativity and adaptability that allow them to quickly contribute to your organization. They are ready for real world experience, and eager to contribute results.


Interested in hiring a Tommiepreneur?

What Our Students Bring

Results-driven mindset:

  • Motivated
  • Hard-working
  • Fresh thinking
  • Proactive problem solving
  • Confidence, Persistence, Resiliency

Experience with:

  • Human Centered Design
  • Business modeling
  • Market and competitor analysis
  • Leading innovation projects
  • Financial and business planning
  • Marketing and sales
Opus College of Business Interns

Internship Grant Program

Our Summer Entrepreneurial Internship Grants award a stipend for a small number of our students to apply and grow their entrepreneurial education in a meaningful work environment with a role that would be difficult to pursue without funding support.

These summer grants fund currently enrolled St. Thomas students majoring or minoring in Entrepreneurship in unpaid or underpaid internships with substantial entrepreneurial learnings embedded. The grants are reserved for students interning with companies not in a position to pay market wages, including early-stage startups (less than $250,000 in total revenue) and nonprofit enterprises. The internship is expected to last at least ten (10) weeks between June and August and cover an average of thirty (30) hours each week, to ensure students are spending enough time immersed to garner the expected educational learning.

If you’re an early-stage company or non-profit, reach out to schulzeschool@stthomas.edu to see if your opportunity pairs well with the educational needs of our students.

Let's Talk Business


Hire a highly motivated entrepreneurial student for an internship, so they can apply their unique skills to your business and help keep you moving ahead despite the challenges of these times.

During social distancing, our digitally-native students have the skills and discipline to collaborate with your teams and work virtually.

Entry-level Positions

Hire an entrepreneurial student who brings acumen as well as innovation, fresh thinking, and creative problem solving for a part-time or full-time, entry-level position.