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Professor lecturing in front of a whiteboard full of notes points to a student.

Immersive, Hands-On Study

Executive MBA Applied Learning

Gain Experiential Leadership Skills and Knowledge

In the Executive MBA program, you’ll experience real-world applications of business concepts through group projects, case studies, labs, simulations, guest speakers and practical exercises

Working with your cohort of peers, you’ll solve real-world business challenges for your employer organizations, and learn by examining case studies. Develop your leadership skills through personal coaching sessions. Build your dynamic, creative problem-solving skills and prepare for your next career challenge.

Our experiential learning model empowers you to:

  • Accelerate your career and gain a strategic, holistic understanding of your organization
  • Lead in a complex, global marketplace
  • Have the skills and confidence to navigate complex systems
  • Master the technical and social sides of business
  • Balance business knowledge with principled leadership and ethical decision-making
  • Be a more effective, dynamic leader
20+ students per class. Small classes for more individual attention.
Student smiling and writing in a notebook during an in-class discussion.

Group Projects

As an Executive MBA student, you’re encouraged bring challenges you’re dealing with at work to the group. Your classmates will help you problem-solve, and you’ll learn by helping address others’ issues. Together, we put the principles covered in class to use in real-world situations.
A group of students studying class posted notes

Executive Leadership Development

In addition to Executive MBA courses, you’ll take Executive Leadership Development, a course that which runs throughout the program. This unique workshop, held on campus, provides you with personal assessment, development opportunities and executive coaching.
Small wooden boats docked in front of a temple in Jaisalmer, India.

International Residency

Business decisions are impacted by many cultural, societal, economic and political factors. Executives who can effectively manage these global influences thrive as leaders and help their organizations succeed. As part of the required Global Studies course, you’ll complete a 7- to 10-day study abroad program. Past Executive MBA cohorts have traveled to Germany, India, Vietnam and China.
People looking at chart on a tv screen

Executive MBA students come from leading organizations, including:

  • 3M
  • Best Buy
  • Cargill
  • Ecolab
  • HealthEast Care System
  • Medtronic
  • Polaris Industries
  • Target
  • UnitedHealth Group
  • U.S. Bank

Mark Addicks
Adjunct Professor and Executive Fellow
Mark Addicks, adjunct professor and executive fellow in entrepreneurship and marketing, in the classroom.

The Case for Learning How to Think

Former General Mills CMO Mark Addicks uses case studies for insight into what it's like to run a large Minnesota company.
Learn Critical Problem-Solving