Using Data to Connect People
Being the Director of Marketing for It’s Just Lunch is no small feat, so Courtney Smallbeck enlisted the help of Executive Education at St. Thomas. Wanting to know more about how to measure marketing tactics, she enrolled in the Data-Driven Marketing program taught by Jeff Sauer, an early user of Google Analytics and analytics guru.
Having an instructor and industry professional is crucial in an ever-changing industry. Sauer drew from real-world, applicable examples that were relatable and helpful to Smallbeck’s work. She walked away with a better understanding of how to use Google Analytics in gathering and analyzing data for her business needs. “I have more confidence to present data in a meaningful way to internal stakeholders and recommend business decisions,” she said.
Through this program, Smallbeck realized that she knew more about marketing analytics than she thought. As for applicability in her role, she uses the marketing acumen and analytical tools in greater depth than before. By knowing the right tool that gets the job done, Smallbeck brings value to her organization through better results and data-driven decisions.