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David Deeds

Professor, Schulze Endowed Chair in Entrepreneurship and Director of the Morrison Center

  • Education
  • B.A. (Hons), Economics, Claremont McKenna College
    M.B.A., Business Administration, University of Washington
    Ph.D., Business Administration, University of Washington
  • Research Interests
  • New venture growth and adaptation, technological discontinuities, strategic alliance, technology.

David Deeds is a professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship, the Schulze endowed chair in entrepreneurship and research director of the Schulze School of Entrepreneurship at the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business.

Prior to coming to St. Thomas, he was a professor at the University of Texas at Dallas School of Management and the academic director of the Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He has held faculty positions at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University and the Fox School of Business at Temple University.

During his career, Deeds has published numerous articles in management and entrepreneurship journals, including the Journal of Business Venturing, the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of Management, Research Policy, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice and more.

Deeds is currently editor in chief of the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Exchange ( www.EIX.org ) and the related site www.Famillybusiness.org. These sites are dedicated to translating leading edge research and thought on entrepreneurship, innovation and family business into content that is easily consumed by practitioners, students and policy makers. In addition, Deeds is the founder and director of e-Fest, a national business plan competition for undergraduate students, which awards $250,000 in cash prizes annually.

Deeds was awarded the NASDAQ Fellowship in Capital Formation and was a named research fellow at the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship. In 2007, he was awarded the Haniel Fellowship in Entrepreneurship at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. His current research interests include new venture growth and adaptation, technological discontinuities, strategic alliance, technology.

  • Deeds, D. L. (2016). Successful entrepreneurs take action. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Exchange (EIX),
  • Khavul, S., & Deeds, D. L. (2016). The evolution of initial co-investment syndications in an emerging venture capital market. Journal of International Management, (22)(3), pp. 280-293
  • Pleggenkuhle-Miles, E., & Deeds, D. L. (2016). How institutional environments impact community support. The Journal of Ethics & Entrepreneurship, (6)(2),
  • Deeds, D. L. (2015). Versare, Inc. - The accidental fax. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Exchange (EIX),
  • Deeds, D. L., & Winblad, A. (2015). Entrepreneur and venture capitalist. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Exchange (EIX),
  • Friar, J., Eddleston, K., Marion, T., & Deeds, D. L. (2015). Trust but verify: How startups can build healthy strategic alliances. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Exchange (EIX),
  • Marion, T. J., Eddlestone, K. A., Friar, J. H., & Deeds, D. L. (2015). The evolution of interorganizational relationships in emerging ventures: An ethnographic study within the new product development process. Journal of Business Venturing, (30)(1), pp. 167-184
  • Yasuhiro, Y., Peng, M., & Deeds, D. L. (2015). Rising from the ashes: Cognitive determinants of venture growth after entrepreneurial failure. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, (39)(2), pp. 209-235
  • Demirkan, I., Deeds, D. L., & Demirkan, S. (2013). Exploring the role of network characteristics knowledge quality and inertia on the evolution of scientific network. Journal of Management, (39)(6), pp. 1462-1489
  • Khoury, T., Deeds, D. L., & Junkunc, M. (2013). The social construction of legitimacy through signaling social capital: Exploring the conditional value of alliances and underwriters at IPO. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, (37)(3), pp. 569-601
  • Pleggenkhule-Miles, E., Khoury, T., Deeds, D. L., & Markoczy, L. (2013). Exploring cognitive bias expert ratings of business schools. (51)(9), pp. 1905-1927
  • Spriggs, M. T., Yu, A., Deeds, D. L., & Sorenson, R. (2013). Too many cooks in the kitchen: Innovation capacity, collaborative network orientation, and performance in small family business. Family Business Review, (26)(1), pp. 32-50
  • Yamakawa, Y., Khavul, S., Peng, M., & Deeds, D. L. (2013). Venturing from emerging economies. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, (7)(3), pp. 181-196
  • Yamakawa, Y., Peng, M. W., & Deeds, D. L. (2010). Revitalizing and learning from failure for future entrepreneurial growth. (30)(6),
  • Coombs, J. E., Deeds, D. L., & Ireland, R. (2009). Placing the choice between exploration and exploitation in context: A study of geography & new product development. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, (3)(3), pp. 261-279
  • De Carolis, D., Yang, Y., Deeds, D. L., & Nelling, E. (2009). Weathering the Storm: The benefit of resources to high-technology ventures navigating adverse events. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, (3)(2), pp. 147-160
  • Markoczy, L., & Deeds, D. L. (2009). Theory building at the intersection: Recipe for impact or road to nowhere?'. Journal of Management Studies, (46)(6), pp. 1077-1088
  • Patzelt, H., Shepherd, D., Deeds, D. L., & Bradley, S. W. (2008). Financial Slack & Venture Managers' Decision to Seek a New Alliance. Journal of Business Venturing, (23)(4), pp. 465-481
  • Yamakawa, Y., Peng, M. W., & Deeds, D. L. (2008). What drives new ventures to venture from emerging economies to developed economies?. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, (32)(1), pp. 59-82
  • Coombs, J., Mudambi, S., & Deeds, D. L. (2006). An Examination of the Investments in U.S. Biotechnology Firms by Foreign & Domestic Corporate Partners. Journal of Business Venturing, (21)(4), pp. 405-428
  • Rothaermel, F., & Deeds, D. L. (2006). Alliance type, alliance experience and alliance management capability in high technology ventures. Journal of Business Venturing, (21)(4), pp. 429-460
  • Deeds, D. L., & Rothaermel, F. (2004). Exploration and exploitation alliances in biotechnology: A system of new product development. Strategic Management Journal, (25)(3),
  • Deeds, D. L., Meng, P., & Frandsen, M. (2004). The influence of firms' and industries' legitimacy on the flow of capital into high technology ventures. Strategic Organization, (2)(1), pp. 9-34
  • DeCarolis, D., & Deeds, D. L. (1999). The impact of stocks and flows of organizational knowledge on firm performance: An empirical investigation of the biotechnology industry. Strategic Management Journal, (20)(10),
  • Deeds, D. L., & Hill, C. W. (1996). Strategic alliances and the rate of new product development: An empirical study of entrepreneurial biotechnology firms. Journal of Business Venturing,
  • Books and Chapters
  • Deeds, D. L. (2015). Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Volume 3: Entrepreneurship. Geographic location and regional variation in entrepreneurship. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing
  • Deeds, D. L. (2014). The Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Thoughts on the challenge of empirical research in entrepreneurship. North Hampton, MA: Edwward Elgar Publishing

  • Academy of Management
  • Strategic Management Society
  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation Exchange
  • Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice
  • FamilyBusiness.org
  • IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management
  • Journal of Business Venturing
  • Journal of Management Studies
  • Organization Studies, Reviewer
  • SO! Strategic Organization
  • Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Reviewer
  • Strategic Management Journal, Reviewer
  • Strategic Management Society Conference
  • City of Edina Parks & Rec, Board Member

  • Associate Professor, University of St Thomas, Minneapolis (2008 - present)
  • Sandra Schulze Endowed Chair in ENTR and Director of Morrison Center, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul / Minneapolis (2008 - present)
  • Associate Professor, University of Texas - Dallas, Richardson (2005 - 2008)
  • Associate Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland (2004 - 2005)
  • Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland (1998 - 2003)
  • Assistant Professor, Temple University, Philadelphia (1993 - 1998)
  • Teaching Assistant / Research Assistant, University of Washington, Seattle (1989 - 1993)
  • Co-Founder & CEO, LightSpeed Corporation, San Diego (1983 - 1989)