Yu Gao received her PhD in accounting and her MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Before she joined the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business, she was a faculty member at the University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management. She teaches courses in financial accounting to undergraduate and graduate students.
Gao’s research interests lie in the broad area of financial accounting. Her work has been published in the Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, the Journal of Banking and Finance and the International Review of Economics and Finance. She has been an ad hoc reviewer for several leading accounting and finance journals, including the Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Management Science, the Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Annals of Finance and more. She also served as a reviewer for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
She loves sharing her thoughts and experience with students who are eager to gain a good understanding of accounting. She aims to foster and encourage learning that prepares students for meaningful and successful careers.
- Gao, Y., Wang, X., Smith, A. (2022). Do hedge funds undertake activism in the bond market: Evidence from bondholders' responses to delay in financial reporting. Contemporary Accounting Research, (39)(3), pp. 1542-1582
- Gao, Y., Liao, S., & Wang, X. (2018). Capital markets' assessment of the economic impact of the Dodd-Frank act on systemically important financial firms. Journal of Banking and Finance, (86), pp. 204-223
- Gao, Y., Khan, M., & Tan, L. (2017). Further evidence on consequences of debt covenant violations. Contemporary Accounting Research, (34)(3), pp. 1489-1521
- Gao, Y. (2013). Research opportunities in the bond market. Journal of Accounting and Marketing, (2)(2)
- Gao, Y. (2011). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the choice of bond market by foreign firms. Journal of Accounting Research, (49)(4), pp. 933-968
- Gao, Y., & Tse, Y. K. (2004). Market segmentation and information values of earnings announcements: Some empirical evidence from an event study on the Chinese stock market. International Review of Economics and Finance, (13)(4), pp. 455-474
- American Accounting Association
- American Finance Association
- Chinese Accounting Professors' Association of North America
- European Accounting Association
- Contemporary Accounting Research, Reviewer
- Journal of Accounting Research, Reviewer
- Management Science, Reviewer
- Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Reviewer
- Assistant Professor, University of St. Thomas - Opus College of Business, Saint Paul / Minneapolis (2015 - present)
- Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota - Carlson School of Management, Minneapolis (2007 - 2015)
- Teaching Assistant, University of Chicago - Booth School of Business, Chicago (2003 - 2007)