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William Raffield

Associate Professor

  • Education
  • B.S., Physics, Clemson University
    M.P.A., Environmental Management, Golden Gate University
    Ph.D., Industrial Management, Clemson University
  • Research Interests
  • Relevance of academic research to practitioners, humanitarian amd crisis operations, work and process flow, and capacity management

Bill Raffield, PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of Operations and Supply Chain Management at the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business. He grew up in South Carolina and received a Bachelor of Science in physics from Clemson University. He earned an MPA in environmental management when stationed in California with the United States Air Force, and received his PhD in industrial management from Clemson University. Raffield has taught operations and supply chain management for more than 30 years.

Since his arrival at St. Thomas, Raffield has served in a variety of administrative positions. He was the director of the undergraduate business program, the interim co-dean of the Opus College of Business during its initial creation and the senior associate dean for the Opus College of Business from its inception until September 2009.

Raffield served as an officer in the United States Air Force and worked in industry for both Michelin Tire Corporation and theTruckstopsof America (TA) division of Ryder Systems, Inc. His key focus in operations education is ensuring that rising business professionals understand the application of course material to practice. He brings this focus to all of the courses he teaches.

Raffield’s research interests are in the relevance of academic research to practitioners, humanitarian and crises operations, work and process flow, and capacity management. He is a member of APICS, the Decision Sciences Institute and the Production and Operations Management Society.

  • Raffield, W. D., Vang, D. O., & Lundsten, L. L. (2016). The relevance of academic research in OSCM practice. Journal of Education for Business, (91)(5), pp. 267-273
  • Lutz, H. S., Vang, D. O., & Raffield, W. D. (2012). Using game theory to predict supply chain cooperation. Performance Improvement Journal, (51)(3), pp. 19-23

  • American Production and Inventory Control Society, Industrial Crescent Chapter, 1988
  • Distinguished Educator Award, University of St. Thomas, 1993
  • First Opus College of Business faculty member selected as an Honorary Faculty Inductee., Beta Gamma Sigma, 2011
  • OCB Service Excellence Award, 2016
  • Selected for membership in the Nu Tau Chapter, Delta Sigma Pi National Business Fraternity, 1997
  • Selected to membership, Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, 1994
  • Southern Business Administration Association Innovation Award for education, 1990
  • William B. Malevich Award, University of St. Thomas, 2012
  • Presentations
  • "Applying for AACSB Accreditation: Identifying costs" Southeast Decision Sciences Institute, January 01, 2001
  • "Strategic Capacity Planning: Fact or Wishful Thinking?" Midwest Business Administration Association MBAA, Chicago, Illinois, March 01, 1996
  • "Innovations in Teaching Management at the University of St. Thomas" Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, April 01, 1995
  • "Shop load control using gateway work centers: A simulation study" Midwest Business Administration Association, January 01, 1994
  • "Working as colleagues to design new student centered courses" Business Teaching Conference, January 01, 1993
  • "Use of commercial software in POM courses" Glassboro State College, Glassboro, New Jersey, January 01, 1990

  • Advancing Productivity Innovation & Competitive Success
  • Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honor Society
  • Decision Sciences Institute
  • Production and Operations Management Society
  • APICS - Advancing Productivity Innovation and Competitive Success

  • Associate Professor, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul / Minneapolis (2009 - present)
  • Senior Associate Dean (2002-09), Interim Dean (2001-02), University of St. Thomas - Opus College of Business, St Paul (2001 - 2009)
  • Senior Associate Dean, Opus College of Business, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul / Minneapolis (2002 - 2009)
  • Interim Associate Dean, College of Business, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul / Minneapolis (2001 - 2002)
  • Associate Professor, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul / Minneapolis (1991 - 2001)
  • Director, Division of Business, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul / Minneapolis (1997 - 2001)
  • Graduate Teacher of Record, Clemson University, Clemson (1986 - 1991)
  • Manager, Wholesale Division, Universal Tire, Inc., Nashville (1984 - 1986)
  • National Marketing Manager, Truckstops of America, Nashville (1980 - 1984)
  • Territory Representative, Michelin Tire Corporation, Memphis (1978 - 1980)
  • Captain, U.S. Air Force, Vandenberg AFB (1971 - 1978)