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Rich Rexeisen

Professor Emeritus

  • Education
  • B.A., Psychology, University of Minnesota 
    M.B.A., Marketing, University of Michigan 
    Ph.D., Marketing, University of Minnesota 
  • Research Interests
  • Value of experiential learning, as well as designing and testing instructional materials that will have a positive impact on the development of cross-cultural sensitivity, attitudes towards the environment, moral reasoning, critical thinking

Rich Rexeisen is a professor in the Department of Marketing. He has held various administrative and faculty leadership positions since joining the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business in 1990. Rexeisen teaches courses in both the undergraduate and graduate programs, and non-degree programs in Executive Education. 

Rexeisen’s current research interests focus on the value of experiential learning, as well as designing and testing instructional materials that will have a positive impact on the development of cross-cultural sensitivity, attitudes towards the environment, moral reasoning and critical thinking. He also conducts research and publishes in the area of student outcomes assessment. 

Rexeisen has travelled extensively and is passionate about encouraging his students to explore opportunities for studying abroad. He has served on multiple occasions as the faculty director for Opus College of Business London Business Semester. He also taught in the “Semester at Sea” program. 

Before joining the St. Thomas faculty, Rexeisen owned and operated his own successful business and worked as a District Sales Manager for Chrysler. His approach to teaching and research emphasizes innovation and the intersection of theory and practical application. 

  • Rexeisen, R. J., Hubbard, A. (forthcoming). Study abroad and the enduring value of cultural immersion: An alumni retrospective. Journal of International Education
  • Rexeisen, R. J., Owens, E. L., & Garrison, M. J. (2018). Lean six sigma and assurance of learning: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Education for Business, (93)(5), pp. 260-266
  • Garrison, M. J., & Rexeisen, R. J. (2014). Faculty ownership of the assurance of learning process: Determinants of faculty engagement and continuing challenges. Journal of Education for Business, (89)(2), pp. 84-89
  • Rexeisen, R. J. (2013). The impact of study abroad on the development of pro-environmental attitudes. International Journal of Sustainability Education
  • Rexeisen, R. J. (2013). Study abroad and the boomerang effect: The end is only the beginning. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, (XXII), pp. 166-181
  • Rexeisen, R. J., & Garrison, M. J. (2013). Closing-the-loop in assurance of learning programs: Current practices and future challenges. Journal of Education for Business, (88)(5), pp. 280-285
  • Rexeisen, R. J., & Al-Khatib, J. A. (2009). Assurance of learning and study abroad: A case study. Journal of Teaching in International Business, (20)(3), pp. 192-207
  • Rexeisen, R. J., Anderson, P. H., Lawton, L., & Hubbard, A. (2008). Study abroad and intercultural development: A longitudinal study. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, (XVII), pp. 1-20
  • Al-Khatib, J. A., Rawwas, M., Swidan, Z., & Rexeisen, R. J. (2006). The ethical challenges of global business-to-business negotiations an empirical investigation of developing countries' marketing managers. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, (13)(5), pp. 46-60
  • Anderson, P. H., Lawton, L., Rexeisen, R. J., & Hubbard, A. (2006). Short-term study abroad and intercultural sensitivity: A pilot study. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, (30)(4), pp. 457-469

  • American Marketing Association
  • Association for Consumer Research
  • Industrial Marketing Management
  • The International Journal of Learner Diversity and Identities, Reviewer

  • Professor, University of St. Thomas, St Paul / Minneapolis (1994 - present)
  • Marketing Department Chair, University of St. Thomas, St Paul / Minneapolis (2014 - 2017)
  • Marketing Department Chair, University of St. Thomas, St Paul / Minneapolis (1996 - 2000)
  • Interim Director - Division of Business, University of St. Thomas, St Paul / Minneapolis (1996 - 1997)
  • Associate Professor, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul / Minneapolis (1990 - 1994)
  • Associate Professor, Kennesaw State College, Kennesaw (1987 - 1990)
  • Chief Executive Officer, Rod Hall International, Inc., (1986 - 1987)
  • Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, Atlanta (1983 - 1986)
  • Instructor, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul / Minneapolis (1982 - 1983)
  • Instructor, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (1980 - 1983)
  • District Sales Manager, Chrysler Corporation - Institute of Marketing, (1976 - 1980)
  • Security NCO, U.S. Army ARADCOM, (1971 - 1973)