Learn From the Experts
Our award-winning faculty have extensive business experience and are engaged in research and consulting, which they use to enrich the classroom experience. In addition to teaching, our faculty continue to advance in their fields with articles, books, academic presentations, business cases and professional projects. As a student at the St. Thomas Opus College of Business, you will experience engaged, passionate teachers who are excited to share their expertise and help you meet your academic goals.

Leading a Business Through Turmoil
Brainstorming Sustainability Solutions
Strength in Numbers
Academic Excellence
Our faculty members have doctoral degrees from top institutions:
- Duke University
- Michigan State University
- Stanford University
- University of California-Berkeley
- University of Minnesota
- University of Pennsylvania
- Yale University
Endowed Chairs

Laura Dunham, PhD
Opus Chair and Dean
A renowned entrepreneurial thought leader, Laura Dunham's focus on principled leadership has defined her career. Prior to her dean appointment, she served as the associate dean of the Schulze School of Entrepreneurship, capturing national attention as the school rose to become a top 25 undergraduate entrepreneurship program In the country.

Peter Young, PhD
3M Endowed Chair in Global Business
Peter Young is responsible for global business education initiatives at St. Thomas, in addition to overseeing the MBA courses and non-degree programs in risk management.

Sameer Kumar, PhD
CenturyLink Chair in Global Communications and Technology
In this position, Dr. Kumar is focused on providing research leadership and a strong commitment to teaching and service. He is also active on 10 academic journal editorial boards.

David Deeds, PhD
S. Schulze Chair in Entrepreneurship
David Deeds’ current research interests include new venture growth and adaptation, technological discontinuities and technology commercialization. Before becoming an academic, Deeds was co-founder and president of LightSpeed Corporation.
What always amazes me about our faculty is their passion for teaching, dedication to students and commitment to active learning environments for our students. They bring together a wealth of industry knowledge, professional experience, research expertise, and teaching acumen to provide our students with a relevant and rigorous course of study, all for the noble purpose of inspiring and developing principled business leaders. I am quite proud to be part of such a caring and engaged community of teacher-scholars.