(MGMT 630) – 3 credits
This course provides students with an accurate understanding of the various components of the health care system - providers, consumers, payers, third-parties - and how they interrelate. Students will learn about issues, motivations and incentives that influence all parts of the system. They will also gain an understanding of the political and social environment in which they operate. The course is designed to give all students a common base of understanding early in their curriculum.
(MGMT 600) – 3 credits
All organizations are impacted by how people behave in those organizations. A key role of a manager is to guide that behavior to successfully accomplish organizational goals. In this class, you will gain an understanding of the various theoretical views of behavior in organizations and learn how to use these theories to systematically analyze organizational situations and generate appropriate action plans. Incorporate your experience and personal values about behavior in organizations to the development of these plans.
(MGMT 698) – 3 credits
An integrative approach to the formulation and implementation of organizational strategy and policy, this course focuses on organizational performances as it relates to mission, goals and objectives. You will get practice defining multi-faceted problems and their causes, analyzing internal and external environments, reviewing key corporate and business strategies, formulating alternative strategic options and addressing the challenges of implementation. Emphasis is on the ethical dimensions of problem solving at the general management level. The course will draw upon the analytical tools and managerial knowledge developed in all previous MBA courses, with application to both for profit and nonprofit organizations.
(ACCT 603) – 3 credits
This course familiarizes non-financial professionals with financial statements, accounting terminology and analytical techniques. Get an understanding for how organizations use information gained from financial accounting systems in decision making, planning and control and performance evaluation. Topics covered include data accumulation and allocation processes, application of accounting data to solving managerial problems and strategic implications and limitations of both data and accounting systems.
(ENTR 714) – 3 credits
This course is designed to help the general manager understand what it takes to create corporate transform innovations into profitable businesses. In short, students will develop the skills and knowledge necessary for applying the entrepreneurial process within the corporate context.
(OPMT 610) – 3 credits
Operations management focuses on planning, coordination and control of activities involved in the transformation of resources into goods and services. Operations management covers a very broad spectrum of functions involving management of technology, supply chain, quality, business process improvement, lean production, workforce design, equipment, materials and information flow. The course will provide an overview of various operations management functions and emphasize understanding of basic concepts and techniques in the operations management area that are essential for efficient and effective management of productive systems. Special emphasis is given to process management in the healthcare industry.
(OPMT 600) – 3 credits
The course is designed to help students evaluate how they think and make decisions, and the role mathematics, statistics and technology may and/or should play in these processes. The student will learn the principles of both statistics and quantitative methods from the perspective of their use rather than their derivation. Decision making, probability, regression, confidence intervals, decision analysis and modeling will be discussed in detail and students will be encouraged to reflect on how these techniques can be applied to their daily work.
(GBEC 630) – 3 credits
Learn how to apply important macro- and microeconomic principles to the health care environment. Macroeconomic topics include aggregate economic interrelationships and indicators of economic activity, causes and consequences of health care business cycles and the impact of government policy. Microeconomic topics include optimization, forecasting techniques, demand and cost estimation, market structure, pricing, decision making under uncertainty and cost-benefit analysis.
(MKTG 600) – 3 credits
One of the fundamental purposes of a marketing-driven organization is the creation, communication, and delivery of value to individual and/or organizational customers. This course offers a managerial approach to the study of strategic market decision making. Specifically, we will build conceptual foundation for understanding and analyzing marketing situations. In addition, we will discuss substantive and practical elements involved in the process of developing, pricing, distributing and promoting services (and goods) that provide customer solutions and deliver differentiated customer value.
A weeklong international residency. Location varies per year and is announced at minimum 1-year in advance. Cost included in tuition, minus airfare, some meals and personal expenditures
(FINC 600) – 3 credits
This course will focus on the financial management of business. It will cover the following subject matter: risk, return, evaluation, cost of capital, capital budgeting, long-term financing, capital structure theory and financial analysis and planning and working capital management. We will also examine how ethics in health care finance has affected the health care marketplace and the impact of capital decisions on cost of capital for health care organizations. The international aspect of financial management will be covered as it applies to the subject matter outlined above.
(MGMT 702) – 3 credits
Change in organizations has become pervasive. This course will examine how change occurs in organizations so students can better understand the process and develop a framework for understanding and managing change more effectively. The course will look at major world and societal changes that contribute to the amount and pace of change in business organizations, review the major theories that try to explain change, and explore diagnostic tools and actions needed for facilitation and implementation of change. Students will also be challenged to become more successful managers by recognizing their personal capacities to direct and experience organizational change while dealing with competing demands on their energy, time and attention.
Students will prepare an innovative project of their choice which integrates knowledge, attitudes and skills developed during their previous experience in the Health Care MBA program. Students will demonstrate competence in critical thinking, exploring and solving complex, significant issues in health care and will present their projects to the faculty and their colleagues in the form of a presentation and an elevator pitch at the end of the program. These projects are meant to be impactful and to relate directly to students’ career goals. Students will also work with industry experts during their project preparation who will serve as mentors.
(MGMT 732) – 3 credits
As business cycles transform so does the legal and regulatory landscape. This class bridges the gap between Law and Policy, explores the policy basis for current and proposed legislation and identifies the inherent limitations when existing laws encumber leaders to innovate, collaborate and address healthcare’s ills. Throughout, the course will teach students how to analyze fact patterns, draw conclusions about the intended and unintended consequences of proposed legislation through legal and policy lenses and identify issues with certain conduct and business arrangements that expose organizations to liability and criticism.
(ELD 761) – 3 credits
In addition to Health Care MBA courses, students will participate in a course focusing on Executive Leadership Development, which runs throughout the entirety of the program. This course is a unique executive leadership development workshop held during on-campus sessions that offers personal assessment, development opportunities and executive coaching.